
District Elections

Election Information are the timelines and legal requirements for the District’s Board of Directors Elections. If you have any further questions please contact us Contacthere

The next Directors Election for Fort Bend MUD 151 will be held on May 2, 2026.

First Day to file for General Election Ballot: Wednesday, January 14, 2026.

Last day to file an application for a place on the ballot: Friday, February 13, 2026 at 5:00 p.m.

Official notice will be posted here when it becomes available.

Election Date: May 2, 2026

The location(s) of the election will be posted upon determination. The Order Calling Election will be posted here when it becomes available.

For Interested Candidates

To run for election to the District’s Board of Directors, a person must file an application for a place on the ballot. Application for a place on The General Election Ballot can be found on the Texas Secretary of State website at:

Potential directors must own land subject to taxation inside the district’s boundaries AND reside in the state [Water Code Sections 51.072 and 55.102]

To review the General Requirements for Application in its entirety, please see (Texas Election Code 141.031)

To review the disqualification of a person from serving as a Director in its entirety, please see (Texas Water Code 49.052).

Campaign Finance Reports