Firethorne Update – Mailbox Theft

October 25, 2023 1:00 pm

The Board of Directors for Fort Bend Municipal Utility District No. 151 (FBCMUD 151) is aware of the impact on residents regarding the increase of mail theft at the mailboxes within Firethorne and understands the frustration of residents and empathizes with those impacted by these events.

In conversations with local law enforcement personnel, the Board has been advised to relay the following information to Firethorne residents:

  • Residents who are victims of mail theft are strongly encouraged to report the incident to law enforcement as quickly as possible
  • As the thefts are happening primarily in the evening times, residents are strongly encouraged to pick up their mail from the kiosks daily sometime after mail delivery has occurred
  • Residents who see mail theft occurring are strongly encouraged to get to a safe place and call law enforcement, providing as much detail as possible

By following these steps, local law enforcement and the United States Postal Investigation Services (USPIS) can fully investigate the issue and hopefully catch those responsible.

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