Many Firethorne residents have been cooking at home far more than they had previously, and this comes with a certain amount of cooking waste. Something we don't normally think about are the effects of fat, oils, and grease (F.O.G.) clogs in the sanitary sewer system. F.O.G. can solidify in the sanitary sewer pipes, causing clogs, blockages, and backups.
![Clogged pipe](../../../static/assets/clogged.png)
Please remember not to put foods such as the following down the drain or waste disposal unit:
- Bacon grease
- Cooking oil
- Shortening
- Lard
- Butter or margarine
- Gravy
- Mayonnaise
- Salad dressing
- Sour cream
- Meat drippings
Ways to Avoid F.O.G.
- Properly dispose of used cooking oil by pouring it into a sealable container (such as an empty water jug or mayonnaise jar) and placing the sealed container in the trash. To recycle large amounts, such as what's left over from a catfish fry or frying a turkey, contact a local recycler by looking in the yellow pages under "Greases" or "Rendering." If you have a lot of oil to dispose of, use clay cat litter. Just mix the litter, a little at a time, into the oil. When all the oil has been absorbed, pour the cat litter into a trash bag, seal the bag, then dispose of it in your regular trash.
- Wipe greasy pots, pans, and dishes with dry paper towels before rinsing or washing them, then throw away the paper towels.
Additionally, if standard disposal is not an option, Fort Bend County has a recycling center where these F.O.G. items can be safely collected and disposed of, and Firethorne residents are encouraged to take their grease, fat, and cooking oil items there.
For more information, you can navigate to the Recycling Center Page on the Fort Bend County website. The Recycling Center's information is below:
1200 Blume Road
Rosenberg, Texas 77471
Recycling Center:
Monday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday-Saturday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
(Closed Wednesdays and Holidays)