Winterizing Tips for Freezing Temps

November 12, 2018 1:39 pm

This week the temperatures are forecasted to get at or just below freezing, the first such nights of our 2018-2019 winter season. In advance of these lows, we spoke with our operator Inframark to get their advice on how best to prepare your home for the cold.

Inframark suggests the following steps be taken in or around your home to best protect your pipes:

Pipe Insulation
  • Locate and insulate pipes most susceptible to freezing — typically those near outer walls, in crawl spaces, or in the attic. Insulation made especially for this purpose is available at local hardware stores.
  • Seal any leaks that allow cold air inside where pipes are located, or where pipes enter or exit the home above ground.
  • Disconnect garden hoses and shut off and insulate outside pipes and faucets.
  • Make sure heat is left on and set no lower than 55 degrees.
  • Set up your smart meter account with EyeonWater so you can view usage and set up leak alerts in case of a break in your lines.
  • Ensure you and your family knows how to shut off the water inside the home, in case a pipe bursts; stopping the flow of water can minimize the damage to your home. In the event a break happens, call a plumber and contact your insurance agent.

If you have a leak and you are unable to turn your water off at your house shut off valve, please call Inframark at 281-398-8211.

Further protection tips may apply depending on your home:

  • Turn off your sprinkler system and make sure the backflow preventer is drained. Consult your system provider if you need assistance with this.
  • Take portable plants inside the home or a covered area. Water plants before the freeze, as it will remain warmer underground and allow sensitive plants to continue to drink and survive. Where possible, put down extra mulch and consider covering plants with a cloth fabric.
  • Winterize your pool and activate freeze protection controls, if you have not already.
  • Remember, if it is too cold for you outside, it is also too cold for pets; be sure to bring your furry family members in!

Snow on Cars

While it is not likely we will get a hard freeze anytime soon in our area, being aware and preparing for harsher weather is important. Temperatures could drop more severely in the coming winter months, so make sure you take steps now and continue to be vigilant into the new year.

The cold is coming and FBCMUD 151 would like to keep the community informed! Share this post to social media using the buttons at the top of the news post to spread the news to your neighbors on Facebook and Twitter, or copy the link to share to Nextdoor!

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